Lean HealthCare
A Deductible and Co-payment on everything Medical
Some health insurance carriers still tout zero deductible or zero copayment as the best deal in medicine. But this best deal is just temporary because it leads to excessive healthcare costs because of overutilization. This then eventually will lead to increasing insurance cost. When money is no object, price does not matter. If price does […]
A high deduction plus a copay on every interface with health care
This is the sine quo non-that will provide lean health care and reduce the cost of total health care. Feedback . . . Subscribe MedicalTuesday . . . Subscribe HealthPlanUSA . . . The Future of Health Care Has to Be Lean, Efficient and Personal.
Practice Fusion
San Francisco-based ambulatory care electronic health record vendor Practice Fusion has laid off 75 employees, about a quarter of its work force, according to articles in Fast Company and TechCrunch. The personnel affected involved those in the engineering, product, marketing and customer success departments. The articles indicate that only mid- and lower-level staff, not executive personnel, […]
Practice Fusion, our premier Electronic Health Record is restructuring
San Francisco-based ambulatory care electronic health record vendor Practice Fusion has laid off 75 employees, about a quarter of its work force, according to articles in Fast Company and TechCrunch. The personnel affected involved those in the engineering, product, marketing and customer success departments. The articles indicate that only mid- and lower-level staff, not executive personnel, […]
Douglas Farrago MD, Editor, Creator & Founder
SPEAKING HONESTLY AND OPENLY ABOUT OUR BROKEN HEALTHCARE SYSTEM The mission of Authentic Medicine is to rediscover how much the art of medicine means and allow us to reconnect to our roots once again. It is about fighting back against those things that are taking us away from the direct care of patients while still […]
Lean HealthCare requires defunding ObamaCare
Viewpoints: ObamaCare should be defunded – now Sally Pipes – Special to THE BEE – Friday, Apr. 01, 2011 Last week, the Obama administration’s top lawyer, acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal, asked the Supreme Court not to honor Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s request to fast-track his state’s constitutional challenge to the federal health care […]
Every industry is getting lean; we no longer have a choice
David J. Gibson, M.D. Director, Clearway Health Solutions You may have missed reading a thought provoking article from Thomas Freedman in the NYT yesterday. The article entitled Average Is Over (see attached below), is particularly relevant as it relates to the political debate that is evolving with a trajectory that is progressively being divorced from […]
A Medical Correlative
Many patients never learn or even suspect that the CT examination, the echocardiogram, or the magnetic resonance imaging study that they underwent was neither necessary nor indicated. Chaos in the Cockpit Herbert L. Fred, MD, MACP Tex Heart Inst J. 2012; 39(5): 614. PMCID: PMC3461665 On 1 June 2009, Air France Flight 447, an Airbus A330 en route […]
The Most Energetic Area of Lean Practice
James Womack: The Lean Movement With the current activity to increase the minimum wage, we need to review what James Womack said in 2008 when he was reflecting on the progress of the Lean Movement: “One critical indicator is our success in extending lean thinking to new industries and activities. In recent years I have […]
Healthcare Mergers are not lean but are in a race to the bottom
I’ve been following the Lean Marketing column from Kevin Meyer’s “Superfactory” site for a decade or so. Medicine and Healthcare in General has a lot to learn from other industries. A recent posting by his associate, Bill Waddell, was very instructive. Mr Waddell states that he is “glad to have grown up in America before […]