2. In the News: Editorial: Trust in Health Care JAMA: July 15, 2019
by admin on 08/12/2019 12:28 AMBuilding Trust in Health Care—Why, Where, and How
Promoting Trust Between Patients and Physicians in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
Shantanu Nundy, MD, MBA; Tara Montgomery, BA; Robert M. Wachter, MD
Trust in US health care has declined precipitously in the past half century. In 1966, 73% of US residents had confidence in medical leaders, whereas in 2012, only 34% did.1 In a survey of 1009 participants in 2017, only 18% expressed high levels of confidence in the US health system, and in a 2014 survey of 1608 participants, only 31% indicated that they trusted public health officials to share complete and accurate information during disease outbreaks.2,3 Recent high-profile events—such as those involving health care companies like Purdue Pharmaceuticals, Johnson & Johnson, and Theranos; vaccine misinformation contributing to the largest US measles outbreak in decades; and well-publicized examples of failure to disclose important conflict of interest information—have also contributed to mistrust and reduced confidence in health care entities.
Because of this trend, and a recognition that trust is vital for the delivery of quality medical care, the ABIM Foundation dedicated its 2018 Forum to examining trust in health care. Throughout 2019, JAMA has published a series of 11 Viewpoints based in part on discussions at the 2018 Forum that have explored trust among various constituents in health care including patients, clinicians, payers, media, and the government. Several themes and practices emerged as important for maintaining and restoring trust.
Read More : https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2738392
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